Many thanks to Women's College Hospital @wchospital for their recent contribution of used pens and markers. Special thanks to Amanda Gosse for her amazing support! 🖍️😀🖊️These will go to @staplescanada for recycling at @terracycleca 😄
Cherry tomatoes at various stages of ripening 🍅 Ripe tomatoes last 5-7 d at room temperature. Then, you can refrigerate them for 3-4 d to extend their life. Move back to room temperature for 1-2 d to rejuvenate flavour before eating 😋
Baby cucumbers 🥒😀🏵️The inside of a cucumber can be 10-20°F cooler than the ambient temperature. That's why we say “cool as a cucumber.” 🌡️🧊
We were so happy to put together 11 lbs zukes & cukes🥒, kale 🥦, and chilis🌶️ for @ftndurham this week. Potatoes coming a long nicely! 🙂🥔🌿
Thank you to #RisingYouth, @TakingITGlobal, the Government of Canada, and Canada Service Corps for generously supporting our gardening project to help fight hunger in our community. Crabapple blossoms 🌺🍎🌳Crabapple trees are great for pollinators 🐝 Great also for birds who take shelter in them and eat the fruit 🐦
Mealworms go crazy for apples 🐛🍎 We make sure our mealworms healthy veggie and fruit scraps!
We were excited to support @torontowildlifecentre last month with ~16,000 mealworms 😀 We love TWC's efforts to protect wildlife and preserve the environment! 🐦🐺🦉 Happy Earth Day! 🌍🙂 April 22 marks the anniversary of the start of the modern environmental movement in 1970. The Earth Day 2022 theme is Invest In Our Planet. What Will You Do?
Let's celebrate earth and do a better job protecting it. Many thanks to the Township of Uxbridge for their recent huge contribution of used writing instruments. Special thanks to Maggy Bell for her ongoing amazing support! 🖍️😀🖊️These will go to @staplescanada for recycling at @terracycleca 🙂
AuthorsDerek and Luke Nguyen co-founded Operation EcoPen to increase environmental awareness amongst their peers. Archives
October 2024
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