Sunflower microgreens 🌻grown in a repurposed plastic container ♻️ They are deliciously nutty like raw sunflower seeds but have the texture of spinach 😋
"insulation made of granulated popcorn is less expensive and more sustainable and environmentally-friendly than traditional types of insulation made of petroleum-based plastic or mineral fibers"
Popcorn used to create eco-friendly insulation Propagating store-bought thyme indoors as winter sets in❄️ Did you know there are many herbs and vegetables that you can regrow indoors? 🙂🌿
"compared with regular intersections, roundabouts significantly reduce injuries and deaths. But there’s also a climate benefit."
These Americans Are Just Going Around in Circles. It Helps the Climate "The terms eco-anxiety, environmental grief and solastalgia – meaning a feeling of homesickness when home changes around you – have become more mainstream as climate change has moved front and centre in global headlines"
Crisis in B.C. will contribute to climate mental health woes: expert Some reasons to stay positive and optimistic
COP26 Summary - 8 Reasons for Stubborn Optimism This is the 2nd season that this ornamental pepper plant has survived 🌶️Let's see if we can overwinter it again successfully and keep it alive for a 3rd season 🙂
"On the one hand, countries have all but universally signaled that fossil fuels are not the future. On the other, they have struggled to explain how the necessary transition to renewable energy will occur"
COP26 Ends With Nobody Really Happy "Rich countries, including the United States, Canada, Japan and much of western Europe, account for just 12 percent of the global population today but are responsible for 50 percent of all the planet-warming greenhouse gases"
Who Has The Most Historical Responsibility for Climate Change |
AuthorsDerek and Luke Nguyen co-founded Operation EcoPen to increase environmental awareness amongst their peers. Archives
October 2024
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